Generate More Traffic to Your Dealership
Generate More Traffic to Your Dealership
Many dealerships have established an online presence but still struggle with bringing in traffic as they did before a digitally-dependent age. Don’t keep waiting around for your doors to open, find a way to increase traffic to your dealership right now.
The solution? iStream.
Sell MORE Used Vehicles
Selling Used cars and trucks is a known profit generator for dealerships. Why? Instant cash! With iStream, you’ll sell more Used vehicles by displaying your Used vehicle inventory to your customers online through their habitual social platforms. They’ll see what they are interested in, and be directed to your dealership website where you can close the deal.
iStream will create more leads.
Create more leads, sell MORE Used cars, SUVs, and trucks.
How Does it Work?
With iStream, it’s simple.
iStream virtually pushes your Used vehicle inventory to potential buyers through a stream. It rotates dynamically and updates automatically each day to ensure your inventory is accurately displayed. Buyers view the stream, click on the vehicle that interests them, and just like that they’re in your virtual showroom – your website.
“Using iStream, we saw our Used vehicle inventory turn from 150 days to 90 days in 3 weeks. Within 6 weeks, I'm below 60 days supply and have had to come up with a whole new strategy to acquire Used vehicles to meet demand."
Here Comes the Traffic!
So, now what? How does traffic increase to your website and showroom?
The many eyeballs that each stream is reaching are creating that many more leads. Interested buyers are clicking on certain vehicles from your Used car inventory displayed in the stream, linking them to your dealership website, and bringing them into your showroom, ready to buy.
It doesn’t stop there. There's a BONUS.
iStream requires no customer effort compared to online classified websites. You'll create engagement, increase phone inquiries, lead submission forms, showroom traffic, and most importantly, develop relationships with customers.
“Since starting iStream, we have seen new faces all over the showroom as customers are coming to the dealership for advertised vehicles!”
Generate more traffic to your dealership today with iStream. Contact our team for more information.